Simply click on the yellow 'BUY NOW' button of this answer (or the big orange button at the bottom of your screen).
You'll then be taken to a page where you can select which option you would like.
Be it just 1 bottle, or any of our very special deals.
You'll see to the right of the options, a place to enter your name, address, email address. and your credit card information.
(don't worry, we use Stripe and Paypal as our payment processors, and they are amongst the largest and safest in the world. So you can be 100% sure your information is completely safe and protected, and no one but you will ever see your credit card information).
Once you have entered your details, simply click on the Pay Now button and your order will be done.
Within a few seconds you will receive an email from us confirming your order. You don't need to do anything else.
Your order will be processed by our team and shipped to you within 4 working hours.
Once you are ready to order, simply click here and you will be taken to the product options page where you can select how many bottles you wish to buy, and place your order.